
Funding has been determined to support the desired digital updated in the SEC for a total package of $3 million dollars.  The funding will be obtained from the facilities improvement fee that was approved for construction costs and related items.  Due to increased enrollment, ability to have an internal bank loan in place for the FY14 fiscal year, and other strong cash management techniques used by the AABC, we are able to fund this media digital upgrade system.


This is a minor reallocation of an existing position’s f.t.e..  Currently Mark Williams provides IT support to Student Media, ASOSU and Ed Act.  About 70% of Mark’s current work orders come from Student Media clients.  Student Media equipment and technology in the Student Experience Center will require only 75% of Mark’s F.T.E. to provide IT support based on the need for several proprietary broadcast systems which are heavily networked computer systems.  These systems will require the expertise of both Student Media’s full time broadcast engineer and a 5% increase in the IT specialist’s time to maintain and support.   It is planned that the services provided by the IT specialist to ASOSU will continue, with ASOSU picking up 25% of the IT Specialist, and Ed Act will transition to the MU IT Specialist for its needs, as it only involves one desk-top computer.