Strategic Objective # 1: 

Embrace a culture of resource/research and data-driven decision-making within the MU organization.


  • Work with student groups and their advisors to recognize the advantage of meaningful program assessment
  • Assist advisors in formulating appropriate methods of program assessment
  • Determine departmental benchmarking and best practices criteria, establish methods for collection and assign tasks to individuals to collect/report benchmarking annually.
  • Work with AABC satellite to ensure financial and operational benchmarking data is being compiled at appropriate intervals to guide staff and MU Board in making data-driven decisions.



Strategic Objective #2:

Develop the MU into a multicultural organization which values inclusivity both in interpersonal relations and in organizational processes.


  • Collectively define a vision of community by gathering and interpreting input from constituents.
  • Make visible this defined vision in the everyday life of the organization, such that those both internal and external to the MU are consistently aware of the message.
  • Assess how well the structures and processes of the MU Organization match our value of inclusivity, and develop a plan for making adaptations appropriately and with care.
  • Establish systematic, sustainable training and professional development opportunities that meet staff needs and interests at a variety of experience levels.



Strategic Objective #3:

Institutionalize a culture of commitment to sustainable practices and enhancement of the global community in all decisions within the MU Organization.


  • Improve alignment of MU facility event planners needs with event facilities processes & services provided and align with the support systems of MU Building Services
  • Develop & continuously improve the built environment by focusing on improving ADA accessibility in both new and existing facilities
  • Enrich and diversify the visual environment of MU facilities

Strategic Objective #4:

Improve the alignment between student/university needs and services/facilities provided by the MU while balancing any changes with supporting roles played by other MU entities.


  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment and use the results to guide long-range facility development, inventory acquisition and staffing decisions.
  • Develop continuous assessment of human resource need as matched with student program & operating needs
  • Develop an organizational space allocation program for Memorial Union facilities and a program for space allocation for student program spaces

Strategic Objective #5: 

Continuously develop a diverse and effective team of faculty and support staff to meet the goals of this plan and the needs of the community.


  • Further develop the Memorial Union Organization as a learning community.
  • Enhance the multi-cultural competence of MU staff.
  • Develop specific student work plans and learning outcomes for each student employment unit
  • Heighten the sense of community within the MU organization



Strategic Objective #6:

Foster an ethos of civic literacy, education, and action as an institution committed to understanding and acting towards the common good.


  • Provide engagement and experiential learning opportunities that will encourage students to explore issues of public (local and global) concern and understand their ability and agency to envision and create a better world.
  • Create programs that fosters connections between academic learning, community, and place, so students will develop as stewards and active citizens
  • Increase opportunities for OSU students to further develop civic literacy and engage in civic action and democratic engagement for the common good that fulfills community needs.
  • Establish a service awards program that would be part of the community-campus symposium to honor and celebrate the commitment of students, community partners, and faculty/staff to community betterment and civic education
  • Expand the alternative break program and establish weekend service trips in order to offer a larger number of trips, address a larger variety of issue areas, and involve a larger number of students



Strategic Goal #7:

Believing that leadership is a group process that is value-based, rooted in the ethic of positive social change, and can come from any individual or through any community, we will prepare  socially responsible citizens and develop the next generation of leaders.


  • Enhance and develop engagement and experiential learning opportunities for students to provide: 1) development of individual level values and commitments, 2) capacity to engage group processes that serve others and 3) understanding of collaborative and community-based skills that bring about change for the common good.
  • Develop system to create clear and coherent “leadership pathways” for student engagement and development



Strategic Goal #8:

Provide engagement and experiential learning opportunities to enhance student capacity to engage as part of a globalized society, acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of international issues, and an appreciation for and ability to learn and work with people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.


  • Provide training and experiential opportunities for student staff to engage professionally and socially with peers from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
  • Enhance opportunities for students to engage in community-wide cultural programs that support awareness of global people, systems, environments and current/historic issues.



Strategic Goal #9:

Provide engagement and experiential learning opportunities that will enhance the social well-being of Oregon State University that affirm and empower students and student by creating and supporting community building and celebrations.


  • Promote participation of students outside of their closest micro-community to enhance campus spirit and lifelong connection to OSU.
  • Support students creating events that affirm their cultural identities
  • Maintain and enhance community traditions, collaborative programming and student leadership in program development.
  • Create an inclusive environment on campus through all of our events that instills and deepens a sense of belonging, connectedness, affection/love of place and each other throughout the OSU community.



Strategic Objective #10:

Improved level of awareness of the life-long value of healthy choices


  • Improve dietary analysis and communication with customers for all food options available at MU Retail Food Service
  • Identify methods to encourage work-life balance with students and staff