The Case for Recruitment & Selection

Why might organizations decide to allocate more resources toward marketing or product design rather than using those same resources to do a really good job in employee recruitment and selection?

  • Many factors influence why companies focus more on marketing and product design. For starters, without marketing then, how will people know about your product there is no product if you do not have a set product design. The two very much correlate with each other. Marketing lets people know what you are trying to sell and making people want to buy you product. The same goes with job selection and recruitment. Companies somewhat need to market that they are hiring, depending on the company if they market well enough then they can attract more skilled workers. Another reason would be the company’s strategic goals or mission in mind. If they do not prioritize the recruitment and instead they focus on like brand awareness, new product design, etc. then that is a factor.

What are the potential strengths and weaknesses of an organization’s decision to not prioritize recruitment and selection in favor of a focus on other aspects of the business?

  • A potential strength would be spending company resources on other aspects of the company’s goals, such as product development and other core competencies. It also increases the productivity of the company overall. However, this can work if a set of competent employees is already hired and this method is made more for short-term.
  • A weakness can limit the long-term growth of the company. If you hire the wrong person, your company will suffer losses in terms of hiring costs and bad performance. It is very crucial for companies to make sure they can limit the amount of “mistakes” that can happen in the company. What I mean by that is employees making multiple mistakes. If your hire the right person at right away then you suffer less mistakes.


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