
The Bleeding Edge

Edges are very useful features of an image. They relay quite a lot of information to the viewer of the image, be they human or computer. They allow us to separate an image into different objects, which makes reasoning about the image much easier.

What do I mean by “edges”? You probably understand what an edge is intuitively; put simply, it’s where one thing stops and another begins.

Image(s) source:

We can glance at the image above and easily understand where the edge of each scale is. But how can a computer determine where these are?

Computers detect edges by looking for sharp changes in brightness present in an image, and presume that these sharp changes should correspond to meaningful information on the edges present in an image. From

It can be shown that under rather general assumptions for an image formation model, discontinuities in brightness are likely to correspond to:

* discontinuities in depth,
* discontinuities in surface orientation,
* changes in material properties,
* variations in scene illumination.

Canny Edge Detector

A common algorithm for edge detection is the Canny Edge Detector, invented in 1986 by John Canny. While the algorithm is now less used in it’s original form, with some small improvements it has remained a part of the state-of-the-art in edge detection. Helpfully, the stepwise transformations that it performs are instructive of the ambiguities that must be resolved in identifying edges in an image. Let’s follow Canny’s edge detection algorithm as the steps are applied to the above image.

Step 1. Desaturation and Denoising

First, the image is converted to grayscale. This is done since the following steps don’t operate on color information in the image, only on the intensity (or brightness of the light) of each individual pixel.

Then, denoising is performed on the image. This increases the accuracy of the algorithm by reducing the number of “false positive” edges that are found due to random noise. There are many approaches to denoising, but Canny’s original algorithm employs a relatively simple technique: Gaussian blur.

Original image converted to grayscale, with Gaussian blur filter applied

Step 2. Intensity Gradient

The second step is to derive the intensity gradient of the image, which is a map of how starkly the brightness of each pixel is changing by comparing it to the brightness of its neighbors.

Here we can start to see the edges forming. Comparing this to the previous image, we can see that the bright areas no longer correspond to the direction of the light source in the original image, and the bright areas we are left with correspond with where there were sharp changes in brightness in the original image.

Step 3. Edge Thinning with Non-Maximum Suppression

Now that we’ve identified where in the image the brightness is changing, but some of the areas of brightness change are pretty thick. To say we’ve really found the “edges”, we need to determine where exactly the edge exists among those larger sections.

To do this, we apply Non-Maximum Suppression. This entails looking at each pixel, and determining if it is at the point along the intensity gradient where the intensity is changing the most. If a pixel is not where the maximum change is occurring relative to it’s neighbors, that pixel is “suppress” and it’s intensity information is removed. The result is only the pixels where the highest (local) change in intensity was occurring, leaving us with the thinner edges below.

Step 4. Double Threshold

Among the remaining identified areas are edges that are more and less likely to be significant. Now, we choose an upper and a lower threshold for intensity gradient. Each pixel is then binned into one of three categories:

  • Pixels above the upper threshold are categorized as “strong edges“. These edges will all be present in the final accounting of edges.
  • Pixels below the strong threshold, but above the lower threshold are categorized a “weak edges“. These will be decided on in the final step.
  • Pixels below the lower threshold it is “suppressed“, and the intensity information is lost/removed.

Here we can see that we are left with only 3 values. Black pixels contain no edges, grey pixels are weak edges, and white pixels are strong edges.

Step 5. Hysteresis

All strong edges identified so far will be kept in the final image, but we need to determine which weak edges to keep. The heuristic that Canny used to decide on weak edges was whether or not the weak edge was connected to a strong edge. Weak edges that are connected to strong edges are considered to be more likely to simply be artifacts of a “true” strong edge.

In this final step, weak edges are subjected to blob analysis, to determine how connected the weak edge is to adjacent strong edges. Weak edges that are highly associated with strong edges are culled.

Most of the weak edges from our prior image were associated strongly enough with strong edges that they were removed, leaving us with the final result:

And compared to the original image…

While the result may not be perfect, we can see it did a remarkable job at identifying the most significant edges in the original image.


Images as Functions

This Computer Vision stuff is taking some time to get comfortable with. Most learning resources seem to expect you to have some background in image processing. Maybe that is typically a reasonable assumption to make on their part, but it’s something I am not particularly familiar with. This has meant spending some time brushing up on the basics.

To this end, after some searching, I found this course on Udacity. The lecture videos were recorded by Dr. Aaron Bobick (then at Georgia Tech). I’ve found Dr. Bobick’s enthusiasm for the subject matter infectious and I would recommend this course to anyone who might be interested in Computer Vision.

In an early lesson you learn about how, for the purposes of Computer Vision, images should be thought of as functions. I didn’t understand what this meant at first, but it seems key to understanding how Computer Vision algorithms work. I’ll try to relay what I’ve learned.

Here’s a simple image function:

f(x,y) => i

The function takes an x and y coordinate, and returns a value the describes the intensity of the light at that position in the image.

So, this image:

… could also be described like this:

We can see that the places in the image where the light intensity changes quickly will create large peaks and valleys. This allows us to see (and think about) the image in different ways than we typically might at a first glance.

Here is a look at a blurred version of the image, and it’s associated 3D topological brightness-intensity map:

The topology map allows us to see just how much smoother the transition between peaks and valleys is. Viewing the blurred image in this way makes it more obvious what effect, mathematically, a blurring algorithm is having on the pixels’ brightness values, and makes imagining the ways we might need to manipulate the image when performing feature detection more intuitive.


The Gauntlet: Endgame

I described my experience of the New Grad Software Engineer job-hunting process in an earlier post, titled The Gauntlet. For reference, Wikipedia’s definition of “running the gauntlet” is as follows:

To run the gauntlet means to take part in a form of corporal punishment in which the party judged guilty is forced to run between two rows of soldiers, who strike out and attack them with sticks or other weapons

The process really has felt like that sometimes; each company expecting you to put on a good show 5 or 6 times in a row as the interviewer actively dissects your performance (with the answer sheet sitting in front of them). And even if you do so, providing “optimal” solutions to each of the 6-12 leetcode puzzles they ask over the full course of the process, you may still earn only a terse rejection email with no feedback on your performance.

Even when all of the interviewers are exceedingly amiable, helpful, and professional (and the large majority of mine have been), it feels like being in limbo, never knowing how you’re doing or when the job hunt will end.

I, finally, know when mine will end: today! I got a good offer at a company I’m excited to work for, and so I’ve accepted. I felt I performed about as well with this company as with any of the others I’ve applied for, but despite this company being seen as having a relatively more selective interview process they gave me an offer when others didn’t. I really didn’t know if I had a shot and I still don’t know what to make of it. I advise anyone currently going through the process to apply for the best jobs that you can and not to sell yourself short. Though, maybe that advice reads as survivorship bias.

In any case, I am relieved to be finished with interviewing (for now, and hopefully for at least a few years) and can now look forward to starting my new career this summer. My wife and I will have to say goodbye to family and friends since we are moving across the country, but that’s not for nearly 6 months, so for now I look forward to getting to focus on my remaining coursework and take a breather.

Thanks for reading.


Right Around the Corner

The architecture of the program that is my capstone project is pretty simple so far. An input video is loaded. Then the program enters the main loop in which some processing will be done on/to each frame of that video. After processing, each frame of the video is displayed.

I’ve got the main loop set up and video frames loading in successfully, and have now started to implement some of the processing. The game board will tilt during play, but we want the computer to “see” the board as if it’s facing it head on during processing.

Here, I am in unknown territory as I don’t have previous experience with Computer Vision techniques. But with some direction from my project sponsor, Andrey, and from the OpenCV-Python documentation, I’ve learned that corners are great “features” to try to detect. So, first order of business is to try to detect the corners of the game board. From there, it should be relatively simple to adjust the perspective of the board in the video.

So, I naively attempt to run OpenCV-Python’s built-in Harris Corner detection algorithm. Detected corner should show up in red.

Uh oh… It’s detecting corners pretty much everywhere except where I need it to.

After some more investigation, it seems we may need to make some adjustments to the lighting or the camera settings so that the corners of our game board aren’t getting washed out. Andrey will be taking new videos with the adjusted lighting, and maybe next week I’ll have some extremely detected corners to show off.


The Gauntlet

Interview season is in full swing. I currently have 8 interviews scheduled for the first two weeks in February, with 6 more pending to be scheduled. The experience has been a whirlwind.

In my previous career in clinical trials you could usually expect to do just 1 interview. Particularly discerning companies might ask you to attend a second meeting with senior leadership if you already got the go-ahead after the first interview. For new-grad Software Engineer positions, the normal process seems to require 5-6 interviews/assessment, totaling as many hours.

Anyone who is going through the New Grad job-finding process probably already knows this, but here is how it has typically broken down for me:

  • OA (Online Assessment) — 1-2 hours
  • Phone Screen — 1 hour
  • “On Site” round — 3-4 hours
    • 1 behavioral (aka “team fit”) interview – 1 hour
    • 2-3 technical coding interviews – 1 hour each

Most interviewers that I have had so far has been engaging, professional, and kind. Despite this, the process has been kind of grueling so far. I think this stems mostly from how hard it seems to know how well the interview process is going with any particular company. I’ve gotten rejections at the OA stage despite giving Big-O optimal solutions with time to spare. On the other hand, I’ve gotten to the final rounds for some companies despite the Phone Screen interviewer watching me sweat while barely scraping together a working solution.

It’s easy to waffle back and forth between feeling like I’m in over my head, to feeling like I must be doing something right since I keep being moved forward in the process. It can’t just be a fluke if it keeps happening, right? Maybe I’ve simply been a CS student for long enough now that the ambiguity and variability of the output despite the input now feels odd. I’d be more comfortable if formal logic could be applied to this process.



The Project

In my initial post I regaled you with the tale of how I got interested in computers: games. I also talked about what got me interested in computers as more than just a toy, but a tool: automating my work.

Through the capstone project matching process, I was lucky enough to been matched to my first choice of project, one that perfectly distills the spectrum of my interests in computers, from the most frivolous to the most practical: I will be see and understand a game being played, and maybe teach the computer to play the game on its own.

The Game

The game is this marble maze.

The object of the game is to, by tilting the board, get the metal ball from the starting position (arrow at the middle of the top edge) to the ending position (star at the middle of the right edge).

My capstone project will be one piece of a larger project being undertaken by OSU graduate student, Andrey Kornilovich. Andrey has already mounted the board to hardware of his own design that will record a video of the game board, eventually also physically manipulating the board as needed for a user or the computer to play the game. My goal is to use Computer Vision tools and techniques to process the captured video, detect various features (the ball, corners, walls, holes, etc.) needed for the computer to understand the current state of the game board, and display those to the user.

If all goes well and we can achieve our goals early, we may also work on further “stretch” goals including path planning and the actual control loop, two pieces that would be needed for the computer to actually play the marble maze game on its own.

I’m not sure at what point I crossed over from finding it more fun to teach a computer to play games instead of playing a game myself, but here we are.


Hello Norrath!

Hail, and well met. I am Jorarzen, Wood Elf Ranger of Kelethin. Well, no, I’m not. I’m Mitch Campbell. But from 2001 to 2003, I was more elf than man. Getting Everquest (and its various expansions) to actually run on the family computer was my first part-time IT job. It was a huge hassle, but if I didn’t kill all those Crushbone orcs for their belts, then who would?

Struggling my way past installation errors and scouring enthusiast forums for arcane and esoteric knowledge about how to fix “missing DLL file” messages after each update or patch release was my first exposure to how computers worked on a deeper level than simply double-clicking on the Math Blaster icon. I enjoyed fiddling with computers, but our family only had the one, and we all had to split time on it, so I didn’t get exposed to them all that much (so little, in fact, that I was one of the worst typists at the outset of my rural North Carolina middle-school typing class). The only programming class that my high school offered was Intro to Computer Programming taught using QBASIC, which was already a decade out of date when I took the class in the mid-2000s. That was just about the depth of my expertise with computers for the next decade or so. I would spend a few weeks here and there building a gaming PC, or learning the basics of Python, or mocking up a website for fun, but it never went much further than that.

In 2017, I started a job that required me to do certain tasks in Excel multiple times a day. The tasks were repetitive and prone to human error. After a few weeks, I started wondering how much of my work I could automate. At first, this just meant learning to use simple Excel formulas. Then came more complex Excel formulas. Then came recording VBA (a flavor of the Visual Basic programming language) macros. Then came editing those macros, which required actually learning some VBA. Then came writing macros from scratch and passing them around to my colleagues doing similar work. This is when I really started to understand how powerful a deeper knowledge of computers could be. Even knowing just a little bit, I was able to meaningfully improve the quality and efficiency of my work while also improving my experience while doing that work.

Ultimately, that experience led me to where I am today: my final quarter of OSU’s CS bachelor’s program. Computers, once only a source of imparsable error messages and frustration keeping me from slaying ever more orcs have now, for me, become a passion and a source imparsable errors and frustration keeping me from deploying my damn code.