Nembhard named IISE fellow

The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers has awarded Harriet B. Nembhard the title of fellow. Nembhard is the Eric R. Smith Professor of Engineering and head of the School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering. The award recognizes outstanding leaders in industrial engineering who have made significant, nationally recognized contributions to the profession. “Becoming […]

July 1, 2019

Harriet Nembhard IISE fellow
Harriet Nembhard accepts the IISE Felllow Award in May 2019.

The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers has awarded Harriet B. Nembhard the title of fellow. Nembhard is the Eric R. Smith Professor of Engineering and head of the School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering.

The award recognizes outstanding leaders in industrial engineering who have made significant, nationally recognized contributions to the profession.

“Becoming a part of the community of fellow is a tremendous honor,” Nembhard said. “In addition to being recognized by my colleagues for my IE accomplishments and contributions, it is a distinct opportunity to join with distinguished engineers to advance the profession and the discipline.”

She said she is excited for “opportunities for fellows to think about what the ‘digital industrial and systems engineer’ means as well as how we can lead in terms of research convergence, engineering for social justice, and shaping investments in our collective future.”

The award was presented at the IISE international conference in Orlando in May.

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