One Step at a Time

Hello All,

I want to start this post off with a quick peace of mind to the reader. When you are programming you will get stuck! It will get difficult and things will seem almost impossible at times. But bear with it, you will be able to overcome the issues through some perseverance and learn whatever you set your mind to. That is my experience anyway. I get stuck, A LOT, and typically the internet is my best friend in the situations. There are ample resources, papers, documents, videos, etc. that will have the answers you are looking for. It is simply a matter of knowing when to look and how to look.

With the advent of chatGPT research has become a whole lot easier as well. Although it isn’t perfect chatGPT can help point you in the right direction for your development journey. I have used it multiple times throughout development of the AI/ML Bitcoin Bot and it has saved me hours of research. The best examples I have are that of understanding indicators in a financial market. I was tasked with implementing an average true range function and a price acceleration function. Now typically this would mean me researching and understanding what these indicators are and how to calculate them then develop a function. With chatGPT it was as simple as “Write me a function using Python that calculates the Average True Range of Bitcoin prices” and voila, copy/paste/complete.

That saved whole lot of time for me by doing a simple chatGPT query and allowed me to focus on what I feel is the meat and potatoes of the project, a neural network. Now onto the juice, getting to understand a new technology or concept is no easy feat. But my GOTO is Google and YouTube. Getting to learn TensorFlow and Keras libraries has been a steep learning curve but it has been a relatively straightforward path as there are ample YouTube videos that train you in these libraries from Beginner-Expert. Now I wouldn’t consider myself an expert yet but I definitely know infinitely more now than I did 8 weeks ago.

Signing Out,

Geoff Miller






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