Blog Post #3

It’s Senior Capstone update time! Not exactly Capstone related but here is a brief rundown of things happening lately in my life that have severely affected my ability to focus on schoolwork:

I am historically the type of person who gets all of my assignments done way ahead of time to avoid any and all stress of impending deadlines. Year after year due to nothing more than signing 12 month leases, me and my household of 5 folks move every winter. Yes, winter is a terribly difficult season to move during (weather related). And yes, winter is a terrible time to be looking for places to rent (market related). However, with the power of 5 heads together getting one task done, we’ve never managed to have a hiccup during the process. That is until now…

Brief rant time!

It is difficult to find housing, especially affordable housing that houses 5 individuals. That task alone in addition to finding somewhere that willingly houses a myriad of pets, and is narrowed to certain areas of town for work proximity reasons, and with enough space to house items that make it seem 20 or more people live together, all makes this specific task much much more difficult than the average person moving in winter. What is the phrase? “Beggars cant be choosers”. Agree, however, disagree. We are all working hard for the money we earn and dedicate a lot of hours to do so and like to cultivate a welcoming and free environment in our household that we don’t necessarily want to compromise on. It will be very difficult to convince someone that it is worth spending MORE money on something that brings them significantly less comfort and/or joy. All of this being said, my specific situation now involves a very unexpected and dramatic household divorce, splitting items that have been under joint ownership for the last 5 years. My hunt for additional roommates is tied directly to my inability to afford to live alone. I have been near dropping out of school due to financial hardship and the clock is ticking for me to find a living situation otherwise it’s at best couch surfing, at worst living out of my car. Moving out of our house is usually a full time job for about 3 weeks of pure dedication. This sounds dramatic but if you have ever lived with true hoarders, then you may understand it is not as simple as getting a uhaul and shifting belongings from one domicile to another. Yada, yada, long story short, the rug was pulled out from us when we got the news half of the household had already found a new place and we are left to shift gears instead of doing month to month temporarily while searching for a new home as was previously agreed upon, now our timeline has jumped up to just a week or so left to find roommates, housing, and move all of our belongings, repairing the old house to reclaim security deposit etc. etc. So much of my time has been consumed house searching, touring, cleaning, moving, that my school has fallen by the wayside. I thank my teammates for putting up with my temporary distraction and their generosity of delegating very accomplishable tasks to me with my limited time. I am usually spending my daytimes working and moving into a storage unit and my evenings moving things to different friends houses around town leaving little time to get my work done during finals week. I know this is not a unique struggle but boy is it challenging to get my work done without the promise of a place to sleep in a week.

As I blatantly disobey the blog instructions of “keeping things light”, I hope none of you managed to reach this conclusion as I never intend to bring you down with a bummer of a story. If you did manage to make it through, *thumbs up emoji* and congrats.

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