Author: Miguel Manaute

  • Week-9 Managing Stress

    For this weeks blog assignment I was given the opportunity to take three stress level/personality related tests. These tests are designed to help a person gauge their current stress levels, gain a deeper understanding of their own personality, and learn how stress may affect individuals in different ways. The first test I took was the…

  • Week-8 Blog Post

    A few years ago I had a job working as a customer service representative. Each typical work shift was compromised of 3-5 people along with one “Lead”. The lead was not an official manager but did have the authority to run the shift and was responsible to solve any issues that come up during a…

  • Week 6 – Training

    From my experience the day I start a new job I feel nervous. My mind usually thinks of every possible outcome good or bad that the first day will bring. In the end I always survive and the job ends up being completely different than expected. Although all the experiences have varied I believe training/onboarding…

  • Week-5 Implicit Bias Extra Credit

    For this HR management blog post I took look at our class materials that cover implicit bias and then took a test to measure my own bias. (link to bias test site ) Through this experience I believe I gained a deeper understanding of what Implicit Bias really means and how it affects everyone…

  • Week 5 – Effective vs. Ineffective Interviews

    Over the span of the last few years while working my way through college I have had the opportunity to go through the job interview process a few times. Each experience was unique but many shared similarities that are likely typical of most job interviews in the U.S. After learning the difference between interview types,…

  • Job Descriptions and their Importance – HR Management

    This blog post will cover the topic of job descriptions, highlighting the role job descriptions play for employees, HR management, and talent recruitment. One main concept that should be addressed first is that job descriptions are a great form of legal protection for both companies and employees. Providing a document that can be referenced if…

  • Week 1-Blog Assignment MGMT 453

    Going through the Fortune 100 Best Companies to work for in 2020 list. I found myself reading through dozens of the “what employees are saying” comments for each company. In an attempt to get a feel for a trend I made sure to read the comments of the top, middle and bottom companies that make…

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