Learning Material UI

As I continue to work on user profile pages, I start to wonder if there are things I can change on the frontend to improve user experience. Though I’ve completed the functionality to delete user profile on click of a button, I realized it might not be the best design because users might accidentally click on the delete button and permanently remove their account. That’s never a situation I want to get myself into so I’m researching on how to add a confirmation dialog.

This StackOverflow seems (https://stackoverflow.com/a/52035267) like an easy fix for the issue by using browsers default window to confirm user’s choice so I will definitely try that. I also found that Material UI library has a dialog component that can be used for confirmation purposes which is more aesthetically pleasing so I’m leaning more towards the Material UI approach.

One other reason to learn Material UI is because it is very versatile and can be used to build the shelter management page that I’ll be working on shortly. The shelter management page lists out all pets from the signed in shelter and each pet is displayed in a block with its image, name, type, age, availability, along with a delete and an update button and I think the Grid component of MUI can definitely be utilized to achieve this. Its styling seems a lot easier than conventional CSS where you need to style all elements either by tag or class/id.

I’ve also discovered that MUI has a Pagination component that can be used to paginate pet list on the shelter management page. Although this is not on the initial prototype, I believe this would be a nice feature to add to the page so users don’t end up with a never ending list of animals they have to scroll through. I expect the number of animals for a shelter should be relatively low so the pagination logic can be implemented on the frontend to save some requests to the backend.

Right now I’m focused on implementing basic functionalities so ensure we have a functioning application that meets the requirements. However, improving user experience is also one of my goals if time allows. I really want to try implementing pagination, search, and sort on the shelter management page. Hopefully I’ll get to all of them in the following weeks!

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