
Writing Exercise #7

Many factors such as genetics or behavior that can affect the microbial community of the baby. Taking prenatal vitamins could help to improve the guy health of the baby. An infant’s microbiome changes most significantly within the first 2 years and looks like an adult in 3 years. Infants that are born vaginally will have gut community similar to the vagina and children born via C-section will have microbial diversity similar to that of the mother’s skin.

Diet of breast milk and foods will obviously greatly impact the microbial diversity of the child. Children also put a lot of things in their mouth which can get them sick, but also help increase their microbes. Vaccinations and antibiotics will affect how, and which microbes survive.

A multitude of other factors such as air quality, physical location, water quality and physical activity will also play a role for better or for worse. Since these microbes are generally developed within 2-3 years, it is important to understand the affects it has on children and how to use that to improve your child’s health.

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