What makes companies stand out?

After reading Fortune Best Companies to work for, I chose 4 companies that I was most familiar with and wanted to read what the employees had to say and what made these companies stand out from the rest. Hilton, American Express, Navy Federal Credit Union, and Carmax all had something in common: the people, flexibility, teams and managers, and work-life balance. These seem to be some of the well-liked benefits that employees get from the companies they work for, nothing was said about the pay.

I want to be the HR Director that makes employees feel like they can be open and honest with me, and that my door is always open whether they want to put in a formal complaint or just vent about their workspace. I want to treat everyone as an individual and get to know them in their professional space. Every employee goes through their own trials and tribulations in their personal life, and every employee deserves a manager that will be flexible around their work style. Some employees work better alone, some in teams. Some like praise for a job well done, while others like perks for their work. It is important to pin-point each individual person’s interests and preferences in order to make the workplace feel safe for them, and let them work in the best way they know how. Handing them constructive criticism to make their work better, and discipline that doesn’t make them feel degraded.

These things can be difficult to do, but not impossible. Get to know the employees in the company, keep your ears open about what is being said, and address situations with ease if needed. Employees knowing you are there to advocate for them AND the company as HR opens a door that can be somewhat difficult to approach. We want our employees to know what HR stands for, but also know that we are approachable and are here to help make the workplace better for everyone.

This is the HR Director that I am, I advocate for the employees, and for the company. It has brought me success in my position, and I continue to learn new things, policies, and procedures to make the workplace thrive.

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