Week 1 Blog

A couple summers ago I worked about 40 hours a week in a boutique. I was saving up money for school the next year. I would work 9 hours a week alone. I had another job lined up for when school started again so I knew I would have to reduce my hours at the boutique. I started working one day a week and the compensation wasn’t enough for me. It ended up not being worth my time due to the amount I was being compensated for and the lack of community I felt. I think that if I was being compensated more per hour I would have come to a different conclusion. I also think that if I had someone working in the store with me I would have felt more attached to the business.

The job made me feel like my effort was not reflected in the amount I was being compensated, and the subsequent effect was that I was not able to achieve anything from the position I was in. Working long days by myself for the entire summer led to loneliness and detachment from the lack of teamwork, which again was not worth the amount I was being compensated for.






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