
Week 9 Blog

This week we are tasked with understanding ourselves and how we will react in the field within our respective industries. More so, there is an emphasis on connecting what we identify that we need as individuals to what existing organizations are offering. We were given three tests to complete to assess ourselves, these three tests were:
1. The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory
2. Coping & Stress Management Skills Test
3. Type-A Personality Test
These tests are used to assess our individual characteristics in the real world to a certain extent.

I scored a 308 on the Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory which was on the high end according to the provided scale. It is indicating that I have about an 80% chance of a stress-induced health breakdown. However, I know my capability to handle and digest stressful situations and as a result I am not worried about this score even with it being high. More so, I have a wonderful support system that is comprised of both family and my spouse and as a result my worry is further lessened. For the Coping & Stress Management Skills Test I scored a 98. The test indicated that I am likely to, and likely already do, utilize problem-focused strategies in order to cope with stress. For the Type A Personality Test I scored a 44 which is indicative of interactions between me and others that could at times be tinged with impatience and hostility. This is something that I can agree with an am trying to improve on whether it be through self reflection or tactics to mediate potentially explosive situations.

At this point in time, I do not foresee myself to be at a huge risk of health and stress related conditions as I do not break down very easily in the field and I prioritize self care through proper dieting, management of bad habits and through paying attention to how I am feeling in general. I have had plenty of bad times in my short lifetime and as a result I have been exposed to how I feel when I feel bad in general so I can identify when I am falling short with myself.

In general, there are plenty of programs that many organizations put in place to assist with these topics such as employee assistance programs, mindfulness and meditation programs as well as mental health days to provide a disconnect from the field and assist in employee recovery. A huge aspect is the ability for an organization to allow employees to have a work-life balance should they decide to. Benefits such as PTO, meeting free days and healthy work environment all provide support to employees who are seeking assistance regarding these aspects.

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