Week 9 – Blog Post

This week was a great time for this discussion, a lot of us very soon are going to be going into the “real” world. After graduating college will move on to “big kid” jobs. The thought of that kind of stresses me out, but overall I do not get that stressed out. I used to be the most stressed-out person, I would let everything stress me out. Recently, I have not been letting myself get too stressed out.

After taking the life stress inventory, it didn’t stress me out but it scared me in a way. It told me that I have a 50% chance of a major health breakdown in the next 2 years. I don’t know that based on the questions I believe that to be true, but who knows! If I took that test and got those same results a year ago I would have let it drive me crazy, even though I have no control over what it says or if that happens in the next 2 years. I think this change came with learning to control what I can control and letting the rest go. I still care a lot about what happens and what I do, but I’ve learned to let my little stressors go.

I believe this to be helpful because in my future career there are going to be times where I am a lot more stressed than I am right now because I honestly don’t have that many problems right now. I also don’t cope with my stress in ways that the coping test talked about, but I think that is okay because everyone copes differently.

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