Week 7: IPIP Results and Reactions

I scored the highest in the extraversion category. I’ve always been described as an exuberant person that loves to interact with people. I always find this interesting because I do choose to stay home more than I choose to go out, and I don’t like concerts/big crowds. When I saw the breakdown of friendliness, love of excitement, gregariousness, and cheerfulness it made sense why extraversion was my highest category and why I scored so highly in those categories. I scored an 88 on cheerfulness and 79 on excitement-seeking. I definitely feel that these are accurate to my personality. I love to be happy and have fun with people, to adventure, and to laugh. I scored relatively low on the openness to experience category which is an interesting contrast to a high extraversion score. very high in imagination, emotionality, adventurousness, liberalism, but low in artistic interests and intellect. In other words- I’m extroverted and people oriented as long as it’s fun and exciting.

I also scored highly in agreeableness which doesn’t surprise me. I’m learning in my classes such as negotiation that I gravitate towards agreeing with and accommodating others. I’ve always had trouble with being gullible and too trusting of others, so I wasn’t surprised to see that I scored highly in the trust category. I also wasn’t surprised to see a high score for sympathy, I’m a very empathetic and sympathetic person. I am the type of person to cry if I see someone crying, and I naturally put myself in the shoes of people. I scored highly in neuroticism which I think is related to these components of the agreeableness category. I scored very highly in anxiety, immoderation, and vulnerability. To me these categories relate because some of them are almost symptoms of the other. For example- being anxious and sympathetic partially impact me being agreeable.

I scored very low in conscientiousness. I don’t think I’m very impulsive, but I do tend to not stay within the lines. I like to be colorful and fun and I don’t love to stay within the bounds of rules so I guess my score in this category makes sense. I did score highly on achievement seeking which I found interesting. At the beginning of college I was opposite of that, but now I am the kind of student that seeks excellence. I’m not surprised to score highly in this category of conscientiousness, and high on cautiousness. I did score very low on self discipline, which makes sense to me as well. I think this category says that I’ve at least adopted traits to combat my tendency to avoid rules and structure.

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One response to “Week 7: IPIP Results and Reactions”

  1. Hi Emily,
    I find it so intriguing that you tested so high in extraversion but enjoy staying at home. I wonder if you have roommates or other people at home that makes it feel like more of an extrovert experience? Employers look for the qualities you rated the highest on, especially cheerfulness. I also scored high on agreeableness but tend to be anxious, leaning towards being agreeable in not wanting confrontation. Achievement seeking can also benefit job environments such as sales, based on commission, or reaching a perceived goal. A human resources position seems excellent for the traits you scored high on especially being people-oriented. Great post!

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