
  1. What am I good at?

I have an extremely strong work ethic especially when I feel like I am not doing enough to be the best employee for that position. I also am very detail-oriented, and I like to think ahead to plan for anything that might come up in the future that I may need to fix. Lastly, I am good at thinking more deeply about things and seeing the deeper meaning behind a concept or what someone is trying to convey.

  • What do I value?

I value my job having a purpose in people’s lives and making a difference in the game that so many people love. I do value making a good living so I can enjoy doing things in life like traveling the world. I also value being surrounded by amazing people who challenge me and I trust completely.

  • How did I get here?

I kept a growth mindset by never getting complacent in my position and putting my all into becoming the best at my job as I can. I also am not afraid to put myself out there and take a chance on something that seems like a long shot. This is anything from introducing myself to someone within the industry to applying for a job that I don’t think I am qualified for at all.

  • Where am I going?

I want to become someone who is respected for my opinions in the baseball industry. I also want to be a part of the journey that players go through in order to accomplish their dreams of becoming professional baseball players. I feel like the best way to do this is by becoming one of the only female general managers in baseball.

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