Final Countdown

I am so close, and the fact that I am close and yet so far is what is hard. What do I mean by that I am so close, I am on the last leg of this project. I just need to work on the CSS to make it look good. CSS is my weak-point, give me some java-script work or do you want a certain functionality in your web application, I can build that. But ask me to center a div, and I will ask about “what is that?”.

The plus side is that one of my teammates is a very good front-end developer so I have been carried in this aspect very heavily. Throughout the quarter I haven’t really shied away from anything, I have always been willing to do the seemingly impossible work, but what broke me is centering a div.

I can’t really spend much time on here, I got to go back to work. This is me signing off. See ya.

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