Blog 2

Favorite technologies:

My favorite technologies to use are React and Express since those are the things I have the most experience in. I really enjoy working with back end routing and attaching SQL statements to it. Making functions using promises and tieing different routes together,

My Project:

We are working on a job tracker and I am very excited to use it later. It will have lots of CSS and Javascript ideas I have been working on in my last internship. I used lots of JQuery with those two things and now will extend this into React. I am currently reviewing React. I am also excited with writing clean code and having a thorough commit history with my teammates. My team is great too so it is looking like a promising quarter so far!

Your future career

Given my healthcare background I would love to join in a healthcare associated company that does software. I enjoyed my last career fair where I made a good connection with Hinge Health. I am planning to apply there. They use all the technologies I am familiar with sort of while also making improvements in the medical world. I would love to join that kind of sphere.

Your job hunt or interviews

Not too well. I am fine for now since I have an internship but I am looking for jobs around. However, I think everyone is experiencing this since this is a down year for new grads in computer science. I am focusing on just working on my skills and applying when things get a bit better perhaps.

How do you like to learn new things?

I am more of a visual learner so I like drawing concepts and things on or other like programs. Having a big picture in that sense helps me since I tend to spend way too much time in the details of things. This way I use my natural tendencies with this big picture to really drill home concepts. I enjoy concept mapping and using spaced repetition software like Quizlet if needed.

How do you handle stress or “getting stuck”?

Never spend too much time working on one thing. By making sure to take a break every 90 minutes. I try to insert 4-5 90 minute sessions per day. I make sure on my breaks I am actually taking a breaks. Usually even when I am taking a break I still end up thinking about the current problem and somehow find a solution to it.

A soft skill you are working on?

Working on trying to present my ideas in a more structured and coherent ways. I tend to go too deep into the details instead of trying to first give a full picture idea.






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