Motivation From Compensation

In the past, I have worked a couple of jobs where the pay was minimum wage. When working a minimum wage job it is very common to see how employees base their levels of effort off of how much they are being paid. Of course, there are always a few people who exceed expectations and skew the average, but overall most people who are working a job that pays the minimum pay put in a minimal amount of effort. With that being said, this was very apparent in my previous job.

The previous job that I had was working as a front desk employee at a gym. When I first started the job duties were to answer phones, help members with issues on their accounts, and perform cleaning duties. All of the employees were okay and pleased with this, however; we started being asked to complete other job duties on top of this. It was fine at first, but it then got to the point where we were being asked to do almost triple the amount of work with no kind of extra incentives. Our pay stayed at minimum wage and there were no other kinds of extra pay or incentives that they offered us. Due to this, many employees including myself started to have a drastic decline in effort. We all knew that sometimes as an employee you are expected to work outside of your usual duties, but in this case, it was too much. After multiple people had discussed this issue with the manager, nothing changed. This resulted in many employees quitting because they knew that the amount of work they were doing was not equivalent to how much they were being paid.

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