Effective VS Ineffective Interview

Over the past few years, I have participated in a few interviews, all of which were quite different from one another. One interview that I have done was for a position at the recreation center for OSU. This interview was different than any other one I have done because it included a group portion. For this group portion, there was a zoom meeting where there were four recruiters and six applicants. The recruiters would ask a question and then the six of us applicants would go in order and give our responses. This interview method was effective for the recruiters because it allowed them to conduct multiple interviews at one time, however; it was very ineffective for the applicants. Going into an interview as an applicant is already nerve-wracking, but adding an audience to that where you have to speak and answer interview questions makes you much more nervous. This was apparent because you could see how every applicant was double-guessing themselves the whole time after hearing other people’s answers. Overall this was a very ineffective interview method. With that being said, if I was able to go back and advise these employers on how to increase the effectiveness of their interviews there is a few things that I would mention. The first piece of advice that I would give would be for them to conduct one on one interviews with applicants. This would be a win-win situation for both sides because it would be less nerve-wracking for the applicant which would allow for them to likely respond better to the questions, and it would give the interviewers a better idea of how this applicant really is. If the employers are set on keeping group interviews, then I would strongly advise that they reduce the number of people being interviewed at one time. Having four recruiters and six applicants is far too many people for one session.

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