Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #6

    In the landscape of data-driven projects, one challenge stood out as the most difficult: extracting data from Zillow. This task tested my limits, pushing me through a journey from BeautifulSoup to a paid solution with Scrapfly. The Initial Misstep with BeautifulSoupMy journey began with BeautifulSoup, a tool I thought would be adequate for scraping Zillow’s…

  • Blog Post 5

    In my journey of creating an AI, I had to do a lot of research to determine what the right tools to get the job done were. I came across an interesting problem and that was data scraping. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as simple as I wished it would be. I had to learn a few…

  • Blog Post 4

    Embracing Clean Code and Avoiding Code Smells: A Senior CS Student’s Perspective As a senior computer science student, I’ve had my fair share of experiences with both well-written and poorly-structured code. Recently, I delved into two influential chapters from renowned software books: Chapter 1 of Robert Martin’s “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship”…

  • Blog Post #3 

    Welcome back to our ongoing adventure where technology meets governance and data drives decisions. As we navigate this intricate landscape, our project continues to unfold with new developments and exciting challenges. We’re forging ahead with the goal of demystifying election dynamics using cutting-edge tools and comprehensive data analysis. This update brings you closer to the…

  • Blog Post #2

    It’s time for another update on our exhilarating journey through the realms of technology, data, and collaboration. Buckle up as we dive into the highs, lows, and unexpected detours of our current project. In this project, we are currently focusing on the getting a system established. Our open items consist of : Things we have…

  • Blog Post #1

    Hello and welcome to my blog! I am Marciles Matti, a senior in computer science at Oregon State University, and I call Metro Detroit, Michigan, my home. But before we dive into the technical world, let me introduce you to my not-so-technical side. I share my life with a black cat named Roger, who I…