Post #2

We meet again.

Exciting news! I got put on the Paw Parks team for my capstone project! I am so stoked, there is nothing more in this world I love than my dog and my local dog park. I’m so thankful to be able to work on a project I care about this quarter, it makes 467 less of a class and more of a fun project.

The first week or so has been dedicated to learning Swift/XCode. This has actually been really fun and something I’m looking forward to build on in the future. Swift is pretty intuitive, and XCode makes it extra easy. Thank god for YouTube tutorials. Shout out to CodeWithChris, without you this Capstone Project would not be possible.

I have a great group too. I haven’t done any kind of virtual or otherwise meeting in a long time, so I was pretty nervous for our first one. It went really well, I’m a lot less awkward than I anticipated and I have awesome, like-minded group members. I’m looking forward to the rest of this quarter and am excited to see what we can make.

Outside of our project, I’ve just been applying to jobs like mad and prepping for interviews. The getting-a-job part of this whole process is more daunting than this entire program has been, but one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, and we will get there. The last week or so, I’ve had many moments of “I can’t believe I’m here.” In a good way.. I am in my last quarter, finishing something that seemed near impossible at the start, about to take a leap into the “big next phase” of life.. and its exciting. I’m thankful for everything I’ve learned and am learning and can’t wait to see where it all takes me.

Completely unrelated, in the most exciting news of the week, I scored tickets to see Dead and Co. (Final Tour) at the Gorge Amphitheatre. I was raised by dead heads, to be a dead head, and so the tradition continues.

What a long, strange trip it’s been.

Cheers y’all.

Duckie and her best friend Bruce at our local dog park.
Duckie and her best friend Bruce at our local dog park.

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