Blog Post #1

Greetings reader! For my initial blog post, it was requested that I introduce myself. With no additional guidance, I intend to do so by paraphrasing my resume without fear of reappraisal in grading for lack of creativity. My first degree was a dual major in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from Oregon State University in 2015. My first “professional” job was as an engineer in the aerospace industry at Boeing, and it is where I have stayed less an 18-month stint at Alaska Airlines.

At Alaska, I stumbled into projects related to natural language processing, data analysis/visualization and automation that motivated me to pursue a post-bacc in computer science. I would love to further develop in any capacity, and as fortune would have it I am part of a project that focuses on data engineering/visualization. The projects that I chose were related to some combination of python programming or data engineering, and the subjects were related to either music or sustainability. The project that chose me (and I it) was related to updating a Tableau dashboard for climate change experiment… so wins across the board!

I’m not too worried about working in a group; my group experiences have been overwhelmingly positive so far in this program, and I would be surprised if it changed here at the finish-line.






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