Exercise #3 HPV and Prevention

After reading this article, I would recommend that they focus on making a new treatment that also covered the strains 31 and 45. Since there is a vaccination already available for HPV 16 and 18, it would only make sense to also make treatments for types 31 and 45 since together they all (strains 16, 18, 31, and 45) make up nearly 80% of all cervical cases. In a perfect world, it would be amazing to have the ability to vaccinate against all strains but I would definitely recommend making treatments for the strains that are most frequently seen. Hopefully making a treatment for these two strains would be less complicated than a strain that isn’t well documented or frequent. As far as when the recommended dosage should be given to the public, it would need to be before a person becomes sexually active. HPV is contracted through sexual contact with the genital areas. It is really important that both girls and boys are given vaccinations before they reach that point in maturity. I would recommend given the treatments to young teens roughly in middle school years (roughly 11-14). It might seem young but culturally teens are shown to be sexually experimenting at younger and younger ages.

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