Experiences with Discrimination

If I were to come across a new article reporting that my favorite company was faced with a public lawsuit in which they were accused of widespread discrimination against individuals from an ethnicity, culture, or belief system I associate with, I would be very disappointed. This would be very difficult to hear, and would be very disappointing on many different levels. Even if the discrimination wasn’t towards an ethnicity, culture, or belief system that I specifically associated with, I would still be very upset to hear that there was any sort of discrimination in the first place. Hearing such news, would make it hard to feel as though you could support the business anymore.

I do believe this would influence my decisions to further support that company. Personally, I want to support companies that are doing great things, and helping our community and world become a better place. In hearing news like this, I would chose to find a different business to support that offered the same things. In the future, I most likely would not be inclined to apply for a company that was discriminatory. On the other hand, I believe that everyone makes mistakes, and that it is apart of life to learn from them and become better. If the company had shown steps towards learning and making right of the situation, I would consider applying and showing them support.

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