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My Interview Experiences:

  April 28th, 2022

The interview that has stood out to me the most, was an interview that I went through recently through OSU. I work in the MU as an Event Coordinator, and it has been the most effective interview experience I have ever had. It was such a professional interview experience where I was able to showcase and apply what I have learned about interviews through the college of business. When I first started, it was a group interview and I was nervous thinking that the other person is better than me. I think having a group interview was the most effective way to conduct the interview.

For me personally it was a difficult interview. I had just gotten my tonsils taken out, and was just at the point to where I could speak, barely. When the interview started I made it known that I had just gotten my tonsils removed and am going to speak the best that I can. I let the one girl who started go first to answer the questions, and it was really nice to have because I was able to focus and get rest when I spoke. It was a really helpful process. I think the method that was used for the MU is their recruitment message, they were really on point with their job description and what they expect of us, as an applicant. They really wanted people to be hired, so they started off the interview by announcing the job description again and making sure that we knew what it was all about. I was really happy about that, and felt like they cared about us. The MU is a really professional and respectful place when it comes to conducting interviews.

I also wanted to reflect on a bad interview that I had as well, where I was the person who was conducting the interview and observing. It was just recently where my job was looking for someone in a higher up position and wanted feedback. I can say, that there was plenty of feedback about this candidate. For starters the candidate was an hour late, parked in the wrong space, and forgot to print off his resume, so he had to leave to print it off and come back, and that started the interview now an hour and a half late. He did not have the credentials and it left a sour taste in everyones mouth when he went through that, and also answered the questions half answered, like he didn’t care. You could say that was a very disrespectful and ineffective interview.

Word Count: 430

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