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Management 453: Blog 1: Sydney Holzknecht

  April 6th, 2022

One of the first companies that I chose to look at was Wegmans Food Market in New York, one of the things that always stands out to me is the company culture that companies have, and with each of these companies I looked at the first thing I viewed was the company culture. This company had an 89% for company culture. I think that is really important, and it was the number 4 rated company to work for in the U.S. I would like to be the kind of manager that people get along with and are really happy to go into work and are comfortable to come to me when they need anything.

The second company that I looked at was sales force in San Francisco. This has an even higher company culture rating of a 90%. That is another very important thing when it comes to culture. Something that I do feel like could be challenging is when a company is too eager and too happy with their culture. I think that when a company is too good with their culture that sometimes problems can occur, and things can go wrong. For a company like this I would want to be the kind of person who can solve those problems when they occur.

The third company is American Express with an 89%. This is a pretty popular company because it is a credit card that is popular. Having an 89% for the company culture is something that is important and good to know especially if you are a customer and especially an employee.

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