Throughout this week’s readings and video, I gained a general idea of design thinking and the design process. These two terms can have different meanings to people, but generally, there are a few ideas that guide these terms. Design is not limited to one thing, one media, one idea, one career, etc. Anyone can be a designer and a designer can enhance any idea. There are also many steps to the process of design. Most people put an emphasis on the finished product, but they forget about the middle steps in between. I would say the biggest take away I had from this week’s readings would be the idea of “how” and “why.” The idea behind “how” is the techniques and skills of what it takes to complete a task. But the idea of “why” is the passion and the driving force to create and complete the task. One must have a good balance between “how” and “why” to be successful, otherwise their progress could be disrupted and their best work may not be displayed.