Writing Exercise #14

Part 1:
Asthma, allergies, GERD, gastric cancer, gastritis, obesity, depression, diabetes, Crohn’s disease.

Part 2:
Initially after reading my first writing exercise, I noticed that my posts got longer and denser in information overtime. This might be because I continued to learn more thus able to write more about the influences of microbes on human health. I am able to easily identify many noninfectious diseases that are influenced by microorganisms. I would say the writing exercises got easier overtime.

Now that I have completed this course, I can easily say this is one of the most useful and interesting courses I have taken in college. As the weeks passed, I found myself increasingly become intrigued in the different ways microbes influence our health both negatively and positively. One of the most important topics I will take away from this course is increasing the diversity in foods I eat to help my gut microbiome. After taking this class, I can confidently say I am more cautious of what I am ingesting that might affect my gut microbiome.

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