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Archives: October, 2023

Introducing… Clint’s Blog! October 2nd, 2023

Hello All!

My name is Clint and this is my first ever blog! This blog will mainly focus around my experience as a Computer Science student at Oregon State University and what is has been like dipping my toes into the world of technology.

I think an appropriate way to kick off this blog would be to give a little background on how I found myself back in school for a second Bachelor’s degree. I earned my first degree in Psychology/Neuroscience from the University of Colorado. I loved studying psychology, I really loved neuroscience, but I quickly learned after graduation that a career in counseling is not where I belong.

I spent a good couple years feeling pretty lost as to the direction I wanted to take my life. In that time, I had tried to get into flight school to become a helicopter pilot, considered joining the Air Force, spent a year in New Zealand cycling and hopping from farm to farm for work. The more time that passed by, the more anxious I become about my future.

My introduction to computers, computer networks, security, programming, all that good stuff, hit me by surprise. I had always loved technology, but a career in this sort of field was never on my radar. I was out with one of my closest friends playing a little disk golf when he told me about a big decision he was thinking of making. His idea was to leave the I.T. company that he had been working for and to start his own I.T. consulting business.

Over the next year this idea became reality. It was during this time that I, for the first time, started to wonder about computers and computer networks. How am I able to just type a word into a search engine and I’m suddenly looking at pictures of puppies? How am I able to send a photo of me and my cow from some farm in New Zealand to my Mom’s phone back in the United States? I would help out my friend where I could and in exchange he would teach me some of what he knew about computer networks and security.

It was from there that I decided to try my hand at programming. With Visual Studio Code download and a Python tutorial purchased, it was off to the races…

Until next time.

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