Useless courses

I once took a training for work I find useless or actually very useless anytime i do it, and those are training videos. Maybe it is because I am a hands on learner but the majority of the time, so the videos I end up not paying attention and or not being able to understand the videos. For instance, I work at a chipotle, we end up doing lots of cooking training videos, but I never and when I say never have found those videos informative or useful. I always end up just having a manager directly train me on the material because I feel more confident in what they are training and end learning more methods on how to actually cook the food. Another example I at work I feel when the training isn’t really useful other than the videos happens to be when they try to retrain me on to do something different not because it’s necessarily better, but the new preferred method they want everyone to follow. While I do not have a problem learning new skills, it ends up feeling very useless and like knowledge that I will never use since I can just do it the old way and it’s just as safe and if not more trusted to do since it’s been around much longer than the other method. In the end, I find that training videos and attempting to retrain me on a skill usually are useless or big wastes of time, simply because it feels like too much of a repeat or a non productive use of time.

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