Bibliography 3

“Age-related decline in color perception and difficulties with daily activities–measurement, questionnaire, optical and computer-graphics simulation studies”  by  Keiko Ishihara

Keiko Ishiharaa,, Shigekazu Ishiharaa , Mitsuo Nagamachia , Sugaru Hiramatsub , Hirokazu Osakic were all participants in this study across multiple Universities in Japan. The paper was revised and scientifically accepted in 2000. 

“Age-related decline in color perception and difficulties with daily activities–measurement, questionnaire, optical and computer-graphics simulation studies”  by  Keiko Ishihara focuses on the visual impairments experiments by the elderly and how it affects their interaction with technology. The lens in the eyes, which is responsible for a lot of our visual processing and how we focus on the world, begins to harden and yellow with age. 130 elderly were asked to distinguish between shades of yellow and white. The rate of misjudgment was over 41% in elderly 75-80 years old and almost 50% in elderly 80 and up. Another experiment in the study was a simulation of age on young adults. These individuals were asked to wear yellow goggles that simulated the changes the lens goes through over time and to go about their daily lives. These users reported having a hard time distinguishing color, a hard time reading electronic displays, worsened depth perception, and even having a hard time dealing with nonsolid items, such as liquid or flame. Multiple more studies were used to verify the difficulties that the elderly go through in their day to day lives dealing with packaging and electronics and is valuable information when it comes to improving these designed elements in the future. 

Ishihara, Keiko, et al. “Age-Related Decline in Color Perception and Difficulties with Daily Activities–Measurement, Questionnaire, Optical and Computer-Graphics Simulation Studies.” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Elsevier, 21 Aug. 2001, 

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