Category: Uncategorized

  • Post #3 – Biggest Success

    Coming into this course, I wanted to make a presentable, resume-worthy project, or at least build some skills that would be beneficial to add to my resume. My hope was to be assigned to either a cross-platform or mobile application project to gain experience working with mobile apps. Up until then, my courses at OSU…

  • Post #2 – Favorite Technology

    The project my group is working on is PetPals, a dating app for animal adoption. It aims to pair up potential adopters with animals at shelters. Both adopters and shelters will be able to create accounts with either public or administrative privileges, respectively. Adopters (users) will be able to browse available animals based on their…

  • Post #1 – Introduction

    Hi everyone! My name is Samantha but I go by Sammie. Here’s a bit about my journey from healthcare to CS. I graduated in 2021 with a B.A. in Biology, fully set on going to medical school. However, reflecting on my personal life as well as professional interests during my gap year made me realize…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!