Becoming A Software Engineer

Welcome to my blog for the CS467 capstone project. To get started, I want to take a moment to share my journey so far.

Where It All Started

I majored in Business back in college, but soon after entering the industry I realized it’s not where my passion lies in. I then had the opportunity to work as a system analyst for a couple years, designing in-house softwares for our employees and sales representatives. I’ve sharpened my skills in various fields including communication, product management, database design, SQL language, data analysis and visualization.

The Transition

Having been working closely with software engineers, I became more and more interested in software engineering and I decided to make a career transition when I moved from East Asia to the US in 2019. I started this post-bacc computer science program at OSU, during which I also took a little detour and completed a web development bootcamp. I also found some really great MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that were extremely helpful in deepening my knowledge and working on interesting projects. All the experience and hard work combined, I landed my first software engineer job at a small e-commerce start-up in 2020 after being a full-time student for about a year. The funny part of it is I’d used and was rather good at Java, Python, C++ and the MERN stack, but I was hired for a C# developer position. One more item to my skill set!

In the summer of 2021, I interned as an SDE at Amazon for 12 weeks. The experience once again broadened my horizons. I’ve learned so much in the design process for my intern project: coming up with solutions, evaluating them from different aspects, and conducting design review meetings with the whole team. More importantly, I learned to write better and cleaner code each day through my internship. The experience was invaluable to me cause it showed me how a good software engineer works and led me to keep working to become a better one.

What’s Next?

This is my last term at OSU. I don’t know which capstone project I’ll be working on just yet, but I’m super excited to learn new skills and work with new teammates. Will keep you posted!


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