Most Difficult Challenge

By far the most challenging thing I’ve had to do in this project is deal with learning the in’s and out’s of React. When I was first learning it in the beginning I thought it wasn’t too bad and is fairly simple, but when I started to do some more advanced things that quickly changed. In react you have to deal with state variables. Whenever these variables change, the component they are apart of will re-render which is super convenient. In this project, I had to create a 1250×1250 grid of nodes. This means that whenever I made one change to a single node, every single component would re-render, most of them for no reason. This would actually cause the program to crash because there were too many re-renders in a short amount of time! This was a very tricky problem that caused me to dive a lot further into react than I ever expected to, and as a team we came up with a working solution. React is a lot of fun though!

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