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Students Travel to Houston for Compounding Boot Camp

In December, several P4 students traveled to Houston, Texas to attend the Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA) Compounding Boot Camps. Duc Nuyen, Sophia Trieu, Tra Duong, Fernando Camacho, and Bon Sihavong spent two days at the Basic Compounding Boot Camp. Duc, Fernando, and Bon stayed in Houston to participate in the Advanced Compounding Boot Camp as well.

The students, along with Dr. Rosita Proteau, enjoyed making Carbomer topical gel, Methocel® suspensions, aloe vera foam cleanser, plutonic lecithin organogel (PLO), lip balm, lollipops, suppositories, troches (gel and polyglycol), capsules, rapid dissolve tablets, tablet triturates, deodorant, Polyox bandage, oil suspensions, and rectal suppositories.  They had the opportunity to use specialized equipment such as the ointment mill machine and the EMP machine (electronic mortar and pestle).  They had a great time coming up with flavors, scents, and colors for all their formulations!

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