Category: Uncategorized
Blog Post #3
Success Throughout my college career I’ve always wanted to learn machine learning, and I felt I did here, but I feel like I’ve only just BEGUN to scratch the surface. There is so much to learn in such a broad and simultaneously deep topic, spanning multiple areas of mathematics, as well as computer science, not…
Blog Post #2
Favorites. This is probably one of the most intriguing projects I’ve ever gotten to participate in and this is because it deals directly with Machine Learning. We are making a Neural Network which can hopefully correctly determine the genre of music that we pass into it via audio file. This is of course a branch…
Getting Started
This is funny for me in taking this course, that it would start by writing a WordPress blog post. I currently am the Webmaster and Social Media Manager for Valley Forge Baptist in Collegeville, PA. All of our sites run on wordpress, and to say I am very familiar with it is an understatement. So…
Hello world!
Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!