Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #2

    Our project is a mobile application in collaboration with Dr. Lacy Kamm at OSU. We are making an iOS/Android app which will provide a drug calculator for a wide range of animal species as well as a database which contains the standard biomarkers of these species. We have recently begun development on our application which…

  • Code Smells

    Prompt: What is one thing from the articles that you would like to start doing (more often), and why? What is one thing you want to avoid doing and why? Refactoring code to remove code smells and sloppy code is a very important part of software engineering. In my experience as a growing engineer,…

  • Blog Post 3

    Our project is a mobile application in collaboration with Dr. Lacy Kamm at OSU. We will be making an iOS/Android app which will provide a drug calculator for a wide range of animal species as well as a database which contains the standard biomarkers of these species. So far we have been refining our design…

  • CS461 Blog Post 2

    Our project is a mobile application in collaboration with Dr. Lacy Kamm at OSU. We will be making an iOS/Android app which will provide a drug calculator for a wide range of animal species as well as a database which contains the standard biomarkers of these species. At this point, there has been no development…

  • The Introduction:

    Hello there! My name is Nicholas Ledbetter and this blog will detail my experiences in the OSU Senior Capstone Project. A little about myself – I am a 27 year old first-time college student attending courses through the OSU eCampus. I first went to Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon before moving to Corvallis right…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!