Blog Post #2

Our project is a mobile application in collaboration with Dr. Lacy Kamm at OSU. We are making an iOS/Android app which will provide a drug calculator for a wide range of animal species as well as a database which contains the standard biomarkers of these species.

We have recently begun development on our application which will consist of a mobile app, a web app for admin use, and a database. I have been working on the mobile portion of our application. I have successfully built a preliminary UI which will be iterated upon – and I am currently working on building a REST API.

Mobile development is something that I had never done before taking this course, and there are some challenges with learning any new language and paradigm of programming. We are using Flutter, which is a framework of the Dart language. Dart is relatively easy to understand, using dynamic typing with C-style syntax that feels familiar, yet modern. Flutter, however, makes even basic things unnecessarily complicated. Learning to work with the Flutter language has been the most significant challenge so far in this project – but I am making progress.

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