Code Smells

Prompt: What is one thing from the articles that you would like to start doing (more often), and why? What is one thing you want to avoid doing and why?

Refactoring code to remove code smells and sloppy code is a very important part of software engineering. In my experience as a growing engineer, my favorite example of this ideology is abstracting duplicate code into their own functions. Instead of writing code multiple times, it can be very helpful to create a function which may be called with a single line of code. Not only does this look subjectively cleaner, it also makes a codebase substantially more readable. Using clear variable names and function names can turn a sloppy, unreadable codebase into an aesthetically pleasing and readable codebase.

My goal as a growing developer is to abstract as much repeatable code into separate functions as I can, and avoid muddying up my codebase.

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