CS461 Blog Post 2

Our project is a mobile application in collaboration with Dr. Lacy Kamm at OSU. We will be making an iOS/Android app which will provide a drug calculator for a wide range of animal species as well as a database which contains the standard biomarkers of these species.

At this point, there has been no development started but we will make a single page using flutter for the deliverable this week. The project work has largely been meetings and writing about the technical specifications of the project up until this point.

I am excited for the opportunity to learn more about mobile application development. This is a topic that I have always found interesting and after working on a few web applications, I think that this web/mobile space is the area that I will seek to gain employment in after graduation. None of our team members have ever worked on a mobile project before, so this will be a great learning experience for us all and hopefully a solid piece of our portfolio going forward.

There will be more updates to this blog in the future, I am excited to finish all of the technical writing and get into some actual development.

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