Reflection to Learning on Command

Well, well, well. Looks like this is the final capstone course that I will be taking in the CS postbacc program at Oregon State. The first thing that I want to think about is what to really expect with working with group members again to create a product – will there be proper coordination? Will there be group members who disappear and leave me to become the sole proprietor of the work? Or will I need to delay this class for a term? Who knows? But there is one thing that is for certain – I might be learning a lot or at least something over the course of this capstone class!

But let’s take a step back for a bit to take a look at what I have done recently.

Over the course of the short spring break, I made a donation to a Humble Bundle in the support for the war efforts in Ukraine. From that bundle, I have managed to acquire a program called RPG maker to make role playing games. Also bundled in the package is the introduction to C# to develop games for the Unreal Engine. However, I do not have any game dev experience yet to implement an ambitious project if I am to be assigned to make a game.

Hopefully, I can stick with doing a basic web based CRUD app since classes at OSU were focused on, besides Python, were the standard web development languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript due to CS 290/CS 340. Moreover, for CS 361, I have made a basic web app over the course of the project scope because it was quick to get an interface up and running without having to deal with Python’s App GUI interface.

Regardless, I do not know what to expect in this class but hopefully, it will be great! Planning forward, I do hope that I can work on a project with my current skillset or, if needed, learn something new to support my team. For the reader – yes, I did select mostly web dev projects but some of the games looked fun to develop……

Since this is the first blog, the topic is not particularly focused but the next blog will be different from this one due to the expectations after project groups are officially assigned. Perhaps I will love this class after that point but, if you can read by the tone of this first blog, I am very nervous upon what my project and teammates will be right now.

But, I am ready – Game, Web App, Mobile App, or whatever.

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