
Getting Through Your First Car Accident

Photo by Mike Bird

Experiencing a car accident is never a pleasant experience, but that first time is especially difficult. You’re unlikely to know what to do or how you should best proceed. Maybe you’re living away from home for the first time, and you get into an accident while you’re off campus. What should you do, and who should you call? Below, we’ll offer some easy tips you can follow if you find yourself in your first car accident.

Get to a Safe Location

The first thing you need to do immediately after a car accident is get to a safe location. It’s unwise to handle all the other steps you need to take following an accident if you’re in an unsafe situation. For example, if the accident occurred in the middle of a busy road, you’ll want to pull over to the side. Or, if you notice smoke coming from your vehicle, you’ll want to move a safe distance away as quickly as possible. If you’re unable to move your vehicle, put your hazard lights on and deploy road flares if you have them to alert other drivers of the situation.

Seek Medical Assistance

Once you’re in a safer spot, the next thing to focus on is your well-being and that of anyone else involved in the accident. Check first for life-threatening or serious injuries and call for medical assistance if necessary. You’ll want to do this first, as it can take medical personnel a few minutes to arrive, and every minute is vital when dealing with serious injuries.

If you escaped the accident with minimal to no injuries, you may not need to call for assistance. However, it’s still a good idea to visit a doctor and receive an examination. Car accidents can cause underlying problems, and it’s best to ensure you’re okay. Visiting a doctor will also create a record of any injuries that you may need for insurance purposes.

Get an Accident Report

After the accident, you’ll want to get an official report of the incident. According to AlaWreck, a Moody wreck assistance provider, “The foundation of a successful compensation claim is a thorough accident report. An accident report is a critical document detailing pertinent information such as the identities of those involved, the extent of vehicle damage, the conditions of the road, and the attending officer’s analysis of the accident’s cause and fault.”

To get an accident report, you’ll need to contact the police in your area and have them come to assess the situation. They can then provide you with a copy of this accident report. Once again, it’s best to call the police immediately after the accident so that they can get there sooner.

Take Pictures of the Accident Scene

A good practice following an accident is to take pictures of the scene. Pictures can serve as evidence for your insurance claim or if you need to pursue legal action against another party. Most people have cameras on their phones, which work just fine for capturing accident photos.

Take pictures of any damage done to your vehicle, anything that might have contributed to the accident (such as obscured road signs), and any injuries. Keep these pictures until you’re completely done with the insurance and legal processes involved.

File an Insurance Claim

Once you’re back home, you can then file an insurance claim on your vehicle. An auto insurance claim will pay for some or all of the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle. You may also receive reimbursement if you have to spend money on a rental vehicle while yours is in the shop. Contact your insurance provider and submit a claim. You can typically do this through an online form on your provider’s website.

Work with a Car Accident Attorney

In some cases, you may need to work with an attorney following a car accident. This is most common when someone else is involved in the accident, and they don’t have insurance to cover the costs of vehicle repairs or medical bills. Attempting to receive this compensation through legal means is a complicated process and one best handled by an experienced attorney. Look for a lawyer in your area who specializes in car accidents and discuss your situation with them. They can provide more information on the best way to proceed.

Get Your Life Back on Track

Finally, all that’s left is to get your life back on track. This means bringing your vehicle to a mechanic for any repairs, getting your financial situation in order, and attending to any injuries you receive. You may have to go through some treatments as prescribed by your doctor, such as physical therapy or bed rest for a period of time. Getting through a car accident can take some time, so do your best to remain patient and follow all the advice given to you.

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