The Role of Environmental Graphic in the Identification of Urban Public Spaces

Torbati, Hanieh Eshaghzadeh. “The Role of Environmental Graphic in the Identification of Urban Public Spaces.” Civil Engineering Journal, Aug. 2018,

Hanieh Eshaghzadeh Torbatia is a part of the Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Art, at the University of Bojnord, in Bojnord, Iran. (Sourced from article)

This article focuses on the way that public spaces are influenced by designers. Knowing the values, cultures, and norms of the community in which you designing a space is a mandatory step to making sure that that space will be functional. If a designer knows the people with which their design will interact, they are able to create a deep connection with them and is able to better understand the way that their design strategies interact with the world overall. Creating a beautiful urban space that acknowledges the different communities, people, and cultures that will use it is going to create a better connection between those different people and overall increase the welcoming level of that area. If the designer neglects these different aspects, the urban area feels hostile and will not be a useful space at that point. Torbati says, “Public spaces are environments to cultural exchange, enjoyment, fun, leisure, social life, exchange thoughts, views, beliefs, and comments. The spaces play the important role in providing social harmony and practical realization of join citizens in community, because the spaces are multi purposes and provide many activities and usages for residents” The accessibility of these spaces needs to be the leading factor in all design considerations so that the most amount of people are able to get the most amount of use out of them.

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