My favorite VS Code extensions


In this blog post I wanted to share my favorite VS code extension for working with React and web projects. Given VS code popularity, and the fact it works so well by itself, it would be useful for any developer to learn how you can extend its functionality even further. 

Material Icon theme

I Like it because it’s really eye-catching and lets you easily find files in the project.


/ESLint is a popular linting tool for JavaScript that helps you identify and fix problems in your code. The ESLint extension for VS Code integrates ESLint into your editor, allowing you to catch linting issues as you type.

Prettier – Code formatter

Prettier is a code formatter that automatically formats your code to a consistent and visually pleasing style. The Prettier extension for VS Code also supports code snippets and auto-completion for Prettier configuration options, making it easy to set up and use in your projects.

REST client

REST Client allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly. It was really useful with troubleshooting requests to database.

These tools help me to streamline my development process, increase productivity, and produce more quality code. By sharing this setup, I hope to encourage others to customize their own VS Code environment and find the tools that work best for them.

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