Week 9 Blog Assignment

Test Results

Life Stress Inventory – 186

Coping & Stress Management Skills Test – 66/100

Type A Personality Test – 32/100


Based on the Life Stress Inventory Test, there is about a 50% chance of a major health breakdown in the next 2 years. The Coping & Stress Management Skills Test showed results of sometimes I use problem-focused strategies in order to cope with stress, and I find these methods rather handy when dealing with a stressor. And finally, the Type A Personality Test results showed that my interactions with others are usually characterized by warmth and tolerance, but occasionally be tinged with impatience and hostility.

After taking these three different types of tests, and analyzing the results that showed afterwards, I think that they are accurate and display how I deal with stress. I learned that I am sometimes more stressed than I really think I am, and there are often better methods and strategies to use in order to reduce that certain stressor. Throughout an individual’s professional career, there will be hardships, challenges, and stressful situations which they must know how to get themselves through.

With this being said, what can I do better personally when dealing with stress at school, work, or in life? One strategy or method I could use is exercising on a regular basis. According to WebMD, “working out is one of the best ways to relax your body and mind. Plus, exercise will improve your mood”. Not only can exercise help with stress, but also improve my quality of life and physical shape. Another strategy I could start using is talking about my problems with others and gaining a different perspective. Talking about problems or issues can help reduce stress.

There are definite personal strategies to use when dealing with stress, but how can managers ease employees’ stress in the workplace? Providing stress-management webinars for employees such as yoga, meditation classes, or talking about wellness tips can help employees through challenging problems. Another way managers can help is encouraging employees to take regular breaks and making sure that they are taking time for themselves [2]. The last thing a company wants is their employees to be stressed out all the time, which hurts productivity and motivation. Overall, there are many things that individuals and employers can do to reduce stress in the workplace and in life.


[1] Stress: Ways to Manage and Reduce It (webmd.com)

[2] What Managers Can Do to Ease Workplace Stress (shrm.org)

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