Week 6 Blog Assignment – Individual

Training is an extremely important part of a company. According to the lectures from this week, training can have a major impact on employee performance based on the role they are in and mitigates the risk of employer liability. Personally, I have had a handful of jobs over the past 8 years, and I would like to reflect on training that was effective, and training that was also ineffective.

Ineffective Training: My very first job I unfortunately experienced ineffective training, and this is for multiple reasons. When an individual first gets hired at this retail store, they must go through multiple modules of training in order to perform their job correctly. My position was a sales associate, and my responsibilities were to assist customers around the store and make sure they could find what they were looking for. The first full week on the job, my boss had me complete all modules of training. At first it didn’t seem that bad, but as I completed module after module, I began to realize how hands-off this experience was. No one was checking in on me to see how I was doing or if I had any questions, I simply sat at the computer and completed the training modules that were required for my position. There was no engagement or social aspect of this training program.

Effective Training: My most recent job as an intern I experienced a very effective training program. Similar to my very first job, there were online modules and exams to complete to make sure I had the baseline knowledge of the company, my position and responsibilities, safety, etc. What made this experience different was the fact that my supervisor checked in on me periodically to look at my progress and to make sure I didn’t have any questions. Another aspect of this training program that was effective was learning as a group. Me, along with a handful of other new hires, took a few classes together learning about our new role, responsibilities, company history, etc. This felt almost like a class, many of us asked questions, and it felt quite engaging.

Overall, there are many things that can make a training program effective versus ineffective. Engagement, making the new hire feel welcome, and socializing are all very important parts of the training process.


Outline – Training and Development

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