The interview process can be one of the most important and crucial aspects of a company. This is because recruiting new talent in an ever-changing market is how a company survives, and how they will continue to match or exceed the competition. A company should be able to provide a pool of qualified individuals, and this will increase the probability of finding the best individual for the job.
Personally, I have had many different experiences with the interview process. Some have been great, others not so great. An interview style that a couple companies have used that I think is quite effective is a round-robin style interview. A round-robin style interview is when you and a few other candidates are interviewed individually by multiple employees, each interview lasting about 20-30 minutes. I think that this is a very effective interview style because the interviewee is asked many different types of questions while meeting multiple individuals from the leadership team. This interview style is reliable because it is consistent with what types of questions are asked and how the interviewees are evaluated based on their answers. It is also valid because many of the questions include information regarding the position they are applying for. Finally, a round-robin style interview shows utility because it is efficient and effective while being reasonable in cost and time.
An interview style that I have found ineffective is when too many close-ended questions are asked. Even though this is a simple yes or no answer, it doesn’t allow the interviewee to express themselves. This style is not reliable or valid, and definitely doesn’t show utility. Rather, the interviewer should ask hypothetical questions. This allows the interviewee to think on their feet and show their problem-solving skills. Even though these questions may seem unrelated to the job, it will allow the interviewer to understand how you will combat certain situations in the workplace. As you can see, it is important for a company to use effective interview styles to make sure they recruit the top talent available.