Project Update

After encountering some challenges in our project, I became uncertain about our progress by the end of the quarter. Our team is currently focused on developing a Trading Card Game Maker similar to popular games like Pokemon, Hearthstone, and Magic the Gathering. Despite the similarity to existing projects, our goal is to apply our unique touch and make the game our own.

We’re using HTML5, JavaScript, and SQL for backend database queries in our development. While HTML offers modularity and ease of use, it presents difficulties in handling some of the finer details we would like. One particular hurdle we faced was with HTML formatting. Initially, we generated all HTML using Figma, but it introduced artifacts that didn’t align with our project vision. Consequently, we made the decision to revamp our entire frontend design, resulting in a significantly improved and cleaner appearance.

Personally, I’ve found great satisfaction in constructing the database and establishing connections between tables. However, this aspect posed its own set of challenges due to its complexity. ChatGPT has been invaluable in troubleshooting some issues, especially in JavaScript where my background in Python sometimes leads to differences in coding approaches.

Additionally, we’re using AI, specifically OpenAI, to generate card images for our Trading Card Game Maker. This feature allows users to create their own cards with customized images, enhancing the personalization aspect of the game. This process has been a learning experience, as we’ve discovered the importance of refining prompts to avoid poorly generated cards. Ultimately, this feature empowers users to customize their gaming experience through personalized cards.

There are clear advantages and drawbacks to integrating AI into our project. Although it enhances efficiency and boosts productivity, AI can sometimes yield inaccurate results and lacks the reliability of traditional methods like searching Stack Overflow or Google. Overreliance on AI for certain tasks such as writing chunks of code may lead to dependency, leaving users unable to work effectively if these tools become unavailable.

Looking ahead, our focus for the next couple of weeks will be wrapping up the remaining pages and fine-tune some of the minor details in page formatting. Despite the challenges we faced, we’ve managed to develop a project that closely resembles a trading card game. With this momentum, we aim to finalize the gameplay within the upcoming weeks.






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