Project Reflection

My capstone project has made some solid progress this term. To give a recap, I’m working on a Malware Analysis Project. What this means is that my group needs to analyze some malware on a virtual network of virtual machines, figure out what each piece of malware is trying to do and how it does it, and organize all of our findings into a well-documented report.

Admittedly, the term had a bit of a rough start, progress-wise. Some of the group seemed to be in different spots regarding the set up of their virtual network at the start of the term, and it took a lot of coordinating and checking in to finally get everyone’s environment set up for analysis. Because of everyone’s different schedules/workloads outside of this class, it’s very difficult for us to perform synchronous analysis, meaning a lot of the analysis we’ve performed so far has been independent. Again, this means that the team is in different spots regarding how much they’ve analyzed, but overall we’re getting close to wrapping up the analysis of our first piece of malware. The hope is that since we’ve gotten familiar with the process, analysis of the other two pieces of malware should be quicker next term.

I think the group will need to really consider how we’ll better communicate next term. Some members have different check-in habits than others, and I think we’ll need to set up a more structured system for determining where everyone is at, who needs help, and who needs to get work done before a specific date. Other wise, it’s really easy to accidentally leave people behind.






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